Swept by local sea breezes, the dancing Poppies in colourful rich reds and cool violets are an irresistible attraction for the bees whilst dwarfing the nearby Scabiosas and Geraniums. On the periphery rampant bindweed slowly but almost inevitably spreads towards the centre from the site boundary covering the ground with an impenetrable green canopy, smothering everything in its path and the pure white bell shape flowers heralding its unmistakable presence.
Nearby thriving thistles and dandelions establish new colonies, so too can be seen glimpses of Euphorbia but most probably will struggle to survive here in this very competitive environment. The stunning yellow centred white daisy like flowers of the Leucanthemum compete very successfully with the surrounding overgrown grasses for sun and light in what otherwise are most likely very difficult ground conditions.