If you really want to make a splash in the bathroom invest in a top tub, writes Roisin Carabine.
Oh I wish I'd never gone all streamlined in my suite petite. Minimalism has a lot to answer for. Back in the Nineties when shower power reigned supreme I didn't hesitate to rip out my bath and replace it with a spanking new shower. State-of-the-art of course, with a big flexible head and body jets positioned carefully for maximum performance. I reasoned that a shower would make the room seem more visually appealing even spacious along with a lick of white paint and clever positioning of some mirrors.
In hindsight I should have listened to the experts, who warned in all the books 'don't forgo a bath in favour of a shower, if you can, have both'. Also I'm more of a long soaker than a quick dipper and the novelty of standing in a box being attacked from all directions by jets of water soon wore off. It's not that I don't love my shower, I do but I miss my bath and the fact that they're fashionable again just makes it worse.
The Noughties bath is not just for cleaning oneself, it's a whole new bathing experience that's all about pampering and relaxation. Designers have been forced into giving it a new purpose and a whole new look.
- White baths are still de rigeur but colour is the way to go if you really want to make a design statement. And no I'm not suggesting that those sickly avocado suites of the 70s are suddenly hip. Think bright and bold - cherry red, blue, green and orange. You can even get one custom-coloured to suit your decor.
- Materials too are also coming in for attention. Ceramic, cast iron and porcelain have been given a modern makeover, forged into new and exciting designs, while new materials like steel, glass, stone, acrylic and even wood are making an appearance.
Oh for a Lotto win, a big house and a big bath.
- One size it seems does not suit all, and standard baths, really are just standard.
- You can buy tubs for two, complete with matching headrests and lumbar massage seats, corner baths for small spaces, round baths for big spaces, oval baths, tapered baths and sunken baths for the more serious soaker.
- Then there's Jacuzzi's, whirlpools, spas, hydro-tubs, and the ultimate, a spa-whirlpool combo bath, with jets along the side and base of the bath for dual-action massage.
- And what about electronic faucets that become active when you put your hand under them, touch screen controls, personalised programmes, floating TV remote controls and light therapy combined with the trickling flow of water over a negative edge tub?
I wonder if I could squeeze a bath in under the stairs!