Many reports have surfaced that taxis and buses will not travel into certain residential areas, estates or driveways due to the snow and icy conditions which make for unsafe driving; and who would blame them? No one wants to risk or endanger lives or their vehicle.
But surely it doesn't take much to clear the ... roads and pathways but the question is; whose responsibility is it? Should residential management companies and local authorities clear away the snow and ice around residential complexes and estate footpaths and roadways? If not, is it our responsibility to go out with a shovel, sand and salt to clear the way?
In America, the rules are strict; it is your responsibility (and in most places the law) to remove snow from your property within 24 hours as if somebody slips outside your door, you might be held liable. If the pavements are not cleared, the local crews will do the job and the home owners will be sent the bill! However, they are given free "sidewalk sand" to do the job.
The New Year Snow: Who should be clearing the way?