- 6 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- 5 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- 4 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- 3 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- 2 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- 1 Weeks Before Move-Out Day
- Move-Out
- Move-In
- Start getting the details of your move organised as soon as you can.
- Create a "move information" file.
- Contact your insurance agent to transfer property, fire, car and medical insurance.
- When organising dental and medical records, be sure to include prescriptions, eyeglass prescriptions and vaccination records.
- Contact any clubs or associations for information on transferring or ending your memberships.
- Contact any utility companies such as Board Gas, The ESB and An Post to transfer your bills, TV license and services to your new address.
- Wills, stock certificates and other one-of-a-kind items (jewellery, photos, and home videos) are difficult or impossible to replace. Plan to carry them with you instead of packing them.
- Start becoming familiar with your new home surroundings.
- Request information on schools, parks and recreation centres, community calendar and local clubs.
- Take an objective look at what you own, and decide what must go and what can be left behind. MK Removals can organise rubbish collection on your behalf. You can discuss this with your point of contact in MK.
- Sit down and start organising your move. Make a list with three columns: items to leave behind, items for M.K. to move, and items you'll move by yourself.
- For each item you aren't going to take with you, decide whether you'll sell it, give it away to charity, or otherwise dispose of it before your move.
- Change your postal address. You'll find change-of-address forms at your local an post.
- Start collecting suitable containers and packing materials if you plan to do any part of the packing yourself.
It's a good idea to let us do most of the packing. That's what we do for a living, so we know the proven methods for keeping items safe.
- Talk to M.K. Removals and decide how much packing you will handle by yourself, if any. Leave the big items for us. Our packers are specially trained professionals; it's a good idea to let us do everything we can to ensure the safety of your possessions.
- If you have young children, arrange for a baby-sitter to watch them on moving day. Since you'll be concentrating your efforts on the move, a sitter can keep your children occupied and make sure they remain safe during the busy loading process.
- Think about all you indoor/outdoor plants. If you are not taking all of them, consider giving your plants to a friend or local charity.
- While you are sorting through your belongings, remember to return library books,dvd's and anything else you have borrowed. Also remember to collect all items that are being cleaned, stored or repaired (clothing, shoes, watches, etc.)
- Make final packing decisions. Clean and clear your home, including basements and attics. MK Removals can organise a cleaning service on your behalf with one of our professional cleaning partners. Contact your representative for more information or mail info@mkremovals.com
- Dispose of flammables such as cleaning fluids, matches, acids, chemicals, aerosol cans, paint, ammunition and poisons such as weed killer.
- Plan meals that will use up the food in your fridge and freezer.
- Drain all the oil and fuel from your lawn mower and power tools to ensure safe transportation.
- This is your week to tie up loose ends. Check to make sure you haven't overlooked anything.
- Since you will want to have your utilities (electric, gas, phone, etc.) still connected on moving day, arrange to have them disconnected from your present home after your scheduled move-out.
- Call ahead to have utilities connected at your new home the day before or the day of your scheduled move-in.
- Place "Do Not Load" stickers on all the things you want to take with you. Then, since the last items loaded are the first ones unloaded, put "Load Last" stickers on things that you will need to use as soon as you get to your new home. "Fragile" stickers should be placed on items that need special care. You can obtain moving labels from your MK representative.
- Make sure M.K. Removals knows the address and phone number where you can be reached until you get into your new home.
- Empty, defrost, and clean your refrigerator and freezer, clean your cooker, and disconnect your washing machine and dish washer to allow to drain all at least 24 hours before moving to let them dry and air out.
- Strip your beds. Make sure to be on hand when the movers arrive.
- Confirm the delivery date and time at your new address. Write directions to your new home for the truck driver, provide the new phone number, and include phone numbers where you can be reached in transit.
- When the truck arrives, review all details and paperwork. Accompany the driver as he inspects the furniture.
- It is your responsibility to see that all of your goods are loaded, so remain on the premises until loading is completed.
- Since you'll probably want to clean before the furniture is unloaded off the truck, make sure your vacuum is packed last, so it can be unloaded first.
- Stay with your home until the last item is packed. Make a final inspection before you sign any paperwork (Inventory, Bill of Lading, etc.).Make sure you have arranged to have the key to your new house at least the day before you move in.
- Be sure you're there when the movers arrive.
- Plan to stay around while they unload in case they have any questions.
- If you cannot be there personally, be sure to authorise an adult to be your representative to accept delivery and pay the charges for you.
- Have payment on hand for your moving charges. Unless other billing arrangements were made in advance.
- Make sure your phone is connected. Ideally, you should have the phone company connect it up the day before.
- Confine your pets to an out of the way room to help keep them from running away or becoming agitated by all of the activity.
- It's a good idea to review your floor plan so you can tell the movers where to place your furniture and appliances. Plan to be available to direct them as they unload.
To help to make sure you have packed everything M.K. have made an A-Z checklist of average household items you may print out and tick off as they are packed.
For any information please contact MK Removals and Storage, we understand that moving home can be stressful but we are here to help.
MK Removals & Storage Limited
Unit 8 The Business Centre
Phase 3 Northwest Business Park
Dublin 15
Tel: 00 353 1 8612637
Fax: 00 353 1 8612638
Email: info@mkremovals.com