Homeowners with septic tanks are reminded that the deadline to register their waste water system is February 1
st.The so-called septic tank tax applies to all types of domestic waste water systems, including septic tanks, “bio-cycles”, storage tanks, drains, percolation areas and other forms of systems for the treatment of waste water, including systems connected to mobile homes and caravans.
Where a property is connected to a public or group type scheme, which is already required to be registered under pre-existing legislation, there is no need to register now.
However, that is about as far as exemptions go. All other domestic systems are required to be registered, including properties that are let, whether to private tenants or to a local authority, and properties that are vacant.
The registration fee is now €50. Registration can be done online at www.protectourwater.ie with payment made using a debit or credit card.
Alternatively, registrations forms are available from libraries and city/county councils, and if registering by post, payment can be made by cheque, postal order or bank draft.
Unlike the property tax and non-principal private residence charge, if your waste water system registration is not made on time, there are no statutory additional monthly penalties.
However, the non-payment of the levy is an offence and those who do not register will face an increased risk of inspection.
In order to sell or transfer a property, you will also require a certificate of registration.
Around 60% of septic tank owners have registered their tanks to date.
According to the latest Census, there are 497,281 septic tanks or similar systems in Ireland.
For further information visit www.protectourwater.ie