An intruder tends to be an opportunist who will always look for the easy route in, if there is a window or door open then that is their entry point. This can also be the same when it comes to security on your door, as the door with only one lock is more inviting than the door with two security locks fitted to it. In addition to ensuring you have suitable locks fitted on all appropriate doors and windows there are many other factors you should consider to ensure your premises is not at risk from burglary.
Property At Risk
Not surprisingly, detached houses are more at risk because they are often secluded and occupants of neighboring premises may not be able to see or hear burglars at work. Property near the end of a street or backing onto alleyways, parks, fields or waste ground are also particularly at risk because of the ease of access. Walls, fences and shrubs surrounding your property may give greater privacy but they also enable the burglar to work unnoticed.
- Do lock all your doors and windows when you go out. Pay particular attention to the back of your premises - a popular entry point for burglars.
- Don't leave door keys in hiding places such as under the doormat. Thieves know all the hiding places.
- Do keep your shed / outbuildings locked. Your tools are useful to a thief who wants to gain entry.
- Don't leave a window open a few inches for ventilation.
- Do close the curtains and leave a light on in a room (not the hall) if you are out for the evening.
- Don't leave ladders lying around. If kept outside, padlock them to something secure.
- Do illuminate dark areas around the home. Burglars don't like light.
- Don't leave curtains and blinds drawn in the daytime - they attract the thief.
Going On Holiday?
However keen you are to start your holiday, don't forget to take precautions to protect you property while you are away:
- Lock all doors, windows and outbuildings
- Cancel milk, newspapers and other regular deliveries
- Inform a neighbour that you are going away and when you will be back and also give them your holiday address in case of emergency
- Also ask them to remove any post or newspapers left showing in the letter box, and put some rubbish in your dustbin bag
- Turn gas and water supply off
- Deposit small items such as jewelry or quantities of cash at the bank
- Cut the lawn
Installing an Alarm
If you are thinking of installing a house alarm or replacing / updating your current house alarm here are a few things to remember;
- Do choose an alarm product that is well know with a proven track record. Don't choose an unknown brand that can turn out to be a cheap product.
- Ensure that the Alarm Installer and /or Alarm Company is a Public Security Authority (PSA) license holder and has a PSA license number. Don't take it for granted that all installation companies are registered with the PSA as use of a non PSA license holder as this can result in a fine of up to €3000. You check whether a security company is a PSA holder on http://www.psa.gov.ie/
- Ask for a vat receipt and a commissioning certificate certifying the work is to EN50131 standards with a full list detailing all products fitted when installation is complete.
- Do ask for a guarantee on the installation - It is now the law that an alarm installer has to issue a certificate.
- Don't forget you are entitled to a 12-month guarantee.
- Do have an alarm monitored by either a monitoring station or self monitored, as it will help to protect you and your home.