However, the Government is not yet “sufficiently advanced with proposals” to implement either a site valuation for each home or have meters fitted before the charges are to be introduced next year and therefore interim flat-rate charges will be introduced.
Until such time as meters are installed in 2013 the proposed water charge is estimated to cost ‘around’ €175 per annum. According to a number of international studies, 16 per cent less water is used when metered. They are, however, more expensive to introduce and to install them in 1.2 million houses and apartments and is expected to cost about €500 million. There’s no information yet on what the property charge will be, though the rate set in 2012 will be increased in 2013.
One could also speculate that renters will not escape these new taxes either as any new charges or expense imposed on a landlord will more than likely be passed onto the tenant through the form of increased rent rates.
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