is the only change of address service in Ireland. It will save you considerable time, stress and hassle. The service will enable you to change your address details with state organisations (electoral roll, motor tax, drivers licence), utilities (Vodafone, UPC etc), banks and over 50 other companies.

This online service, thanks to the support of group is FREE.
As works with the utilities, it is advisable to sign up three weeks before your move date, to ensure that you have connection in your new house.
And if you get it all done on time, there will be no need to pay An Post to redirect your post!
But if you have already moved, don’t worry, you can still use the service and change your details with companies such as the Quinn Direct, Superquinn, the AA, just to mention a few.
It only takes about ten minutes to complete on the internet.
Once you have filled in your details and ticked the companies, you will receive a confirmation pack in the post, simply return this pack and than let change your address details for you.
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