Give people your new details
- Register Your Kids for Schools in the Area
- Everybody needs good neighbours
- TV licence
- Register to vote
- Rubbish and Recycling
- Register with a doctor and dentist
- ESB Customer Supply
- Bord Gais
Give people your new details
Three weeks before moving is a good time to start notifying people of your new address, i.e. friends, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, subscription suppliers, doctors, schools.The service offered by will save you considerable time and hassle. The service enables you to change your address details with companies such as Bank of Ireland, Bord Gais, eircom and more than 50 other companies. The service is free for the mover. As the company works with the utilities, such as Bord Gais and eircom, it is advisable to sign up three weeks before your move date, to ensure that you have connection in your new house. If you have already moved, don't worry worry! It only takes about 10 minutes to complete the process online. Once you have filled in your details and ticked the companies, you will receive a confirmation pack in the post. Simply return this pack and let change your address details for you.
Register Your Kids for Schools in the Area
Even if your kid is a new-born, it is a good idea to register with the local schools as early as possible in order to be in with a good chance of getting a place. School places are scarce these days even if you are living on the doorstep to the school. It's often a first-come, first served basis.
Everybody needs good neighbours
Quality window locks and sophisticated alarms are all very well, but the answer to stopping burglars could be making pals with your next-door neighbours.
- The Gardaí say that most day-time burglaries take place in unoccupied homes and windows are the most common means of entry in domestic cases.
- Obviously you need to fit a burglar alarm, secure all windows and doors and use locks of a good security standard.
- Garda Neil O'Conor at Dun Laoghaire station says that it's also a good idea to get to know your neighbours as they are more likely to keep an eye your property if you are a friend rather than just 'the people next door', as well as being more likely to take the initiative and ring you if you've rushed out without closing your windows.
- Also, when you go on holiday it's nice to know there is someone keeping a casual eye on your place - and its not burglars! Obviously, you will do the same for your neighbours.
- Your neighbours will be a big part of your life so it will be important that you get on with them. Remember to respect them and try to keep noise or disruption to a minimum.
- In Japan, everybody knows their neighbour - it is customary to introduce yourself and bring a small gift when moving to a new place. So swallow the Irish reticence and call around with a cake (you don't need to actually bake it but if you do, extra brownie points!) or a good bottle of wine to introduce yourself.
TV licence
If you already have a TV licence the balance you have left on it at your old address will carry over to your new one. However, it is important that you ring your post office or call in to notify that you have changed address. This will avoid an embarrassing run-in with the inspector at your new home with you not having a licence for the TV at your new address. TV Licence Record Offices:
- Birr 0509 20013,
- Ballina 096 21309
- Cork 021 4851012,
- Dublin 01 7058800,
- Dun Laoghaire 01 2300136,
- Enniscorthy 054 33646,
- Galway 091 565982,
- Kells 046 9240013,
- Letterkenny 074 9122620,
- Limerick 061 212051,
- Longford 043 46412,
- Sligo 071 9143174,
- Tralee 066 7121402,
- Waterford 051 875153.
Register to vote
You must be ordinarily resident at the address at which you are registering. You must be registered at one address only, so if you have moved house you need to let get your details changed.
A new Electoral Register is compiled each year and is published on November 1. You have until November 25 to make a correction or have your name included on the Register.
Application forms for inclusion on the Electoral Register and the amended Electoral Register are available from all County Councils, Corporations, post offices and public libraries.
Rubbish & Recycling
Find out when your rubbish is collected, where you should leave your rubbish bags or bins and where you can store rubbish in between collections. Contact your local authority to get information.
Green Wheelbin? The council provides free Green Wheelbins to domestic customers to divert the following items only from their grey refuse wheelbins: Paper, light cardboard, tin, aluminium and tetrapak. If you are a householder and want a green wheelbin, contact the Environmental Services Department at 4149215 and they will arrange for the supply of a Green Wheelbin to you.
For other queries regarding your Green Wheelbin i.e. collection timetables, replacement wheelbins etc, call the Oxigen Helpline at 01 4624459.
Register with a doctor and dentist
If you've moved into a new area, you'll probably need to register with a new doctor or dentist. If you're keeping the same doctor and dentist, don't forget to let them know you're moving. To find a new doctor you might want to ask your neighbours for recommendations or else use the yellow pages to find surgeries in your area. Also check out where your local hospital is, and how you can get there in an emergency. It is handy to make a list of these numbers and hang them up in the kitchen.
ESB Customer Supply
If you are moving your account, your old ESB reading is required to close your account at your old address and your new reading is needed to open the account at your new address. It is important to note that you remain liable for all electricity consumed until the above notification is supplied.
Bord Gais
If you are moving to a new address where the Natural Gas supply is already connected, you need to supply Bord Gais with your previous address and meter reading and your new address and meter reading.
To avoid the inconvenience of the meter being locked before you move in, it is advisable to give as much advance notice as possible. Important numbers / Websites:
- Electricity Supply Board @1850 337 777 (Meter Readings) or 01-6778855
- Bord Gais @ 1850 456200 (Customer Accounts)
- Eircom @ 1903 (Customer Accounts) or 1800 500 500
- NTL (Cablelink) @ 1800 321 321