With stubborn gunk, 'burnty' bits and who knows what else, cleaning your oven isn't the most exciting or attractive job. However the job at hand isn't as difficult as it sounds and it is possible to restore your oven back to squeaky clean order pretty quickly.
- 5 tablespoons of baking soda
- 4 of white vinegar
- And 2 or 3 drops of washing up liquid
Mix all the ingredients together into a thick paste, then use a sponge to apply your new home oven cleaner remedy to the inside of your oven. When you have that done its time for some elbow grease i.e. scrub your oven with a ‘green scrubby’. Once you are happy you have scrubbed enough, make sure to rinse thoroughly and wipe the oven clean.
If you don’t have time or the ingredients you can buy oven cleaner! Check out the video to follow the steps on what to do (it’s not that hard, spray it on, clean it off!)
With all that in mind, now all you have to do is roll up the sleeves and get to it!