There are 4,800 households waiting for a home in Galway, according to the country’s biggest housing association – and the number is set to grow given the massive cuts in central funding for new building by local authorities.
This in turn will mean that thousands of families spread across the city and county, who are on the accommodation waiting lists, will end up relying instead on non-profit housing organisations to meet their needs.
That is the stark warning from Clúid – the non-profit national housing association – which said that ‘innovative housing solutions’ would now be the key driving force in delivering accommodation for people in need.
Even those with houses are affected – this week, for example, there is confirmation that almost three quarters of a million euro has been cut from housing aid to the elderly and disabled in County Galway.
The government has been slammed for the move which has been described as shocking and one that could force elderly people into full time nursing care.
A cut of 31% in housing aid for older and disabled people will mean that a total of €730,000 less will be spent in County Galway over the coming year.
But the biggest crisis is for those trying to secure a home for themselves in the first place – and it will force a change of policy in the years ahead, according to Clúid Housing Association’s Head of Policy, Simon Brooke.
Source: Connacht Tribune