This nifty gadget is for the coffee lovers. The Handpresso, which is said to a revolutionary concept and the talking point of design, is a small size Espresso machine that you can take with you on the go! "Wherever you go and whenever you move, an espresso is always close to hand!"
How does it work? ... You pump (it"s kind of like a bicycle pump!) the handpresso machine to "16 bar", add hot water from a kettle or from a flask if out and about, and an E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) pod. Then, serve yourself a quality cup of coffee with the simple push of a button!
What"s the catch? The Handpresso is made by a French company, which means their E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) pods, similar idea to nepresso pods, are not easily found on Irish supermarket shelves. However you can buy direct from them online.