For those who are thinking of investing in a new sound system in their home, the options are limitless, as by the time you have a made a decision you can be assured a new model has appeared in the market. What you buy depends solely on how you use your equipment, so whether you prefer an autonomous machine or something that is connected to other technologies, there are plenty of options to suit you and your budget.
- In-built memory will obliterate the need for CDs or even MP3 player connectivity, allowing you to reference your entire music catalogue directly from your sound system.
- Wireless connectivity allows you to enjoy a great surround or multi room sound with out the need for complicated wires. Many designs also offer the option to play different music at the same time in different rooms.
- Although only certain parts of the country can enjoy a handful of digital audio broadcasting (DAB) at the moment, availability is growing so it is advisable to make sure your system is set up to receive digital broadcasts.
- Sony have been investing in a project called the HiFi of the Future since 1997 and some of the technologies the team have developed so far include EyeTune, where you can control your music with gestures alone and the BabyBrowser, which helps 4 to 5 year olds develop their speech and reading through music selection.
- Many suppliers now offer modular HiFi 'separates'; for example, you can pic your preferred CD player, speakers, amplifiers tuners or turntables and combine any chosen piece for your perfect sound system.
- HiFis are also available as micro or mini systems, compact designs ideal for smaller homes and smaller budgets.