Forget photo albums, frame your pictures and hang them on the wall as pieces of decorative art - quick chic style Queen Stephanie Hoppen shows how.
Picture This: An empty frame? Some frames are so stunning that they don't need pictures in them at all. An ornate gilt frame can look marvellously enigmatic hung on its own or with other same-style frames against a patterned papered wall. Search flea markets and second-hand shops for interesting frames in odd shapes - don't go to the expense of restoring them, they look better battered and distressed.
Ordered Randomness: Not every framed picture has to be hung - prop them up randomly on small easels or lean them against a wall of hanging pictures. The frames and subject matter can be as varied as you like. For added impact intersperse with books and small decorative objects.
Hang it all: A totally eclectic collection of frames can work well together if the pictures are thoughtfully balanced. Use colour to link images and accentuate the colours on the soft furnishings beside them. For added interest create your own witty installations by framing family memorabilia, coloured buttons, red wax seals, playing cards - just about anything will work.
Gilt Complex: Go for gold with a striking display of starburst mirrors in different styles and sizes. Hang them in a horizontal arrangement over a fireplace wall to make it look wider.
Same Subject: Themed collections of pictures of the same subject matter, mounted in the same shape and style of frame can look wonderful - provided they're hung properly. It takes real talent to hang rows of virtually identical pictures without them looking boring. You can align various elements by the bottoms, the edges or the tops of the frames, or create a balanced arrangement around a central core - a fireplace, console or dresser. These frames (pictured) are as simple as the planked walls, hung in two neat rows by visible cord and nails, which gives the collection a dynamic diagonal element.