The €200 property charge applies to all home owners of a second home who are receiving payments from letting the property. ... Some exceptions to the TAX include; Buildings of particular heritage, Properties own by charities, Properties held or co held by a local or public authority, building that are not used as a dwelling, the list goes on...
As said earlier, the new €200 property tax will begin in the 2009 TAX year; the date has yet to be set. The bill will be introduced in the Seanad on Wednesday, July 1st, and is expected to be through both the Dail and Seanad by the following week on the 8th of July.
Although the Tax has been welcomed with open arms by Fianna Fail and Chambers Ireland, the opposition mounted a bit of objection - which is only to be expected and the Irish Property Owners Association has voiced that the tax is unfair and will challenge the legislation.