Minister for Housing and Planning Jan O’Sullivan has announced a €10m funding allocation for improving energy efficiency in around 5,000 local authority homes this year.
It’s part of a €50m investment announced by the Minister earlier this year. The total allocation will be spent between 2013 and 2015 and is intended to improve 25,000 local authority houses through measures such as roof insulation, cavity wall insulation, draught proofing and BER certification.
“Energy efficiency programmes result in lower energy bills, improved housing stock and reduced carbon emissions,” said the Minister. The major three year programme I announced in June also has the capacity to create hundreds of jobs in the green energy sector.
“I’ve worked closely with my colleague, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin, to introduce this energy efficiency programme. We are determined to see €50m invested over three years. This will reduce the energy bills of 25,000 families who currently live in local authority houses with very poor insulation.
“It is part of a wider Government stimulus programme that will see significant investment in schools and roads. I expect the energy efficiency initiative will create up to 1,000 jobs – in both the private sector and among community-based organisations that deliver energy efficiency measures.”