Wouldn’t it be great if we could all stay close to our mammies or daddies for life?
For a lot of us that would make life a lot easier but for most it is but a pipe dream.
Knowing where you want to live and obtaining it can be two different things. There might not be anything suitable to your needs on the market right now or that area could be out of your price range.
Quite often work plays a factor in where we reside but a new job could mean a move to a new location or, most likely, you want to be close enough to work from where you’re looking to buy.
It’s all well and good finding that dream home in a country location but if you end up spending half your life stuck in traffic travelling to and from work it will take a bit of the joy from it. How close your home is to work, friends and family is definitely something to seriously weigh up when making a property purchase.
That’s where MyHome.ie comes in.
Our ‘Commute Time’ feature allows you to search for properties within a particular time radius based on your departure times and mode of transport.
So whether it’s in the car, by public transport or on a bike that you get to work, we’ll let you know the properties close to your place of employment.
To access our ‘Commute Time’ feature, go to www.myhome.ie and search for a property.
Select your chosen property and the ‘Commute Times’ feature can then be found in the tab below the main image/video on the brochure page.
Clicking this will bring you to a map showing the property and you can then enter your destination (for example, your place of work). This will provide both directions from one place to the other as well as a rough estimate of travel time whether you are driving, walking, cycling or on public transport. You can also enter a time of travel and a date.
Check it out now on MyHome.ie to ensure you get an indication of your commute time to and from home and work.