According to the latest Census data, 34% of Irish people own their homes with no mortgage.
CBRE, said that there are obvious discrepancies around the country but many counties have seen the proportion of households that own their own properties without a mortgage increasing in the inter-censal period 2006-2011.
County Mayo has the highest proportion of households in the country that own their home outright, with 45.2% of households having no mortgage, up slightly from 45% in 2006.
In Dublin, all four local authority areas have seen the proportion of households owning their homes outright without a mortgage increasing compared to 2006.
Marie Hunt, Head of Research at CBRE said: “The Census shows some interesting results in terms of the proportion of households that own their property without a mortgage.
“It is interesting to see that in almost half the counties in the country have actually seen the proportion of households without a mortgage increasing since 2006.
“It is however not possible to determine what proportion of the change since the last Census is attributable to homeowners paying off their mortgages and what proportion is attributable to the greater incidence of cash purchases in the current climate.”